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temperature coefficient artinya

contoh kalimat "temperature coefficient"
  • High Accuracy NTC Thermal Resistor Negative Temperature Coefficient Thermistor
    Akurasi Tinggi Termistor Koefisien Suhu NTC Termistor Negatif
  • Glass Shell 1K NTC Thermistor Negative Temperature Coefficient Assembly
    Kaca Kaca 1K NTC Termistor Koefisien Suhu Negatif
  • 4. Lower temperature coefficient, zero depth reflection increasing.
    4. koefisien suhu yang lebih rendah, refleksi kedalaman nol meningkat.
  • Reversible temperature coefficient of residual magnetism (Br) -0.04 — -0.01
    koefisien temperatur Reversible magnet sisa (Br) -0,04 - -0,01
  • Power Supply Protect NTC Thermal Resistor Negative Temperature Coefficient Resistor
    Catu Daya Melindungi Resistor Termal NTC Resistor Koefisien Suhu Negatif
  • High Performance Thermally Protected Varistor TMOV15S Module MLV Temperature Coefficient
    Modul Varistor TMOV15S, Termistor, Suhu Dilindungi Termal, Koefisien Suhu MLV
  • Small package volume, high resistance to temperature coefficient of capacitance, high
    Volume paket kecil, resistensi yang tinggi terhadap koefisien suhu kapasitansi, tinggi
  • Positive Temperature Coefficient PTC Thermistor Probe in Plastic Case USP14579 Series
    Koefisien Suhu Positif Probe Thermistor PTC dalam Kasus Plastik Seri USP14579
  • Is a negative temperature coefficient (ntc) thermistor. The application is more negative temperature
    adalah termistor koefisien suhu negatif (ntc). Aplikasi suhu lebih negatif
  • One of the important parameters of stability is the temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR).
    Salah satu parameter penting yang memengaruhi stabilitas adalah koefisien temperatur dari resistansi (TCR).
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